All about remodels: Kitchen , Kitchen DIY, Tips and Tricks

Hello Friends! I have been pumped up about remodels, so I have decided to dedicate a month to only doing posts about remodels in each room I will take a room a week and give insight, trends, tips and on how you can remodel your home for LESS. You know me I will figure out how to do it on my own and all my craft friends I am inviting you to join me!! Please let me know if you have something you would like to share as well, I will be highlighting other vendors so please sit back and relax and lets REMODEL!! Please if you like share the love, post, pin and tweet:)

This week it is all about KITCHENS!! today I want to talk colors!! 

New trends for 2014 show that accented colors are in and the brighter the better, I am in I love a pop of color with some beautiful neutrals.

Ok so these colors are for a rustic cottage kitchen. I believe in white walls, white floors even white cabinets ( too much?) and using accents to color the room. Flower, plants, tiles rustic furniture pieces, colored mis-matched china and even a chalkboard wall. White washing is so easy and can be done on so many mediums.

Here is a DIY for white washing 

Chalkboard wall

 Growing your own indoor plants

 Mis-matched china can be found at your local thrift store:) easy

Learn to make rustic furniture

Stay up to date and follow my pinterest!

and stay tuned for more remodels!! If there is anything you would like to see please let me know!!



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