Cereal Boxes, Tp Rolls Cardboard Lots Of Cardboard DIY UPCYCLE TUTS!

Well Good Sunday Morning to everyone, I am suppose to be over at my desk working on my signs but I really wanted to Blog about this. The signs can wait.....I am huge procrastinator sometimes! I have been collecting TP Rolls, Cereal Boxes and boxes in general and We have had a influx on the paper product CARDBOARD! So, I have decided that some things need to be made out of all this cardboard before my room, looks like a UPS store. So Here are some Fabulous DIY Tutorials with cardboard! I hope everyone enjoys and once again if you have a request or a question please feel free to comment or follow me, I send out some cool goodies in my newsletter!

 Yeah!This is fun and Easy and doesn't look like a cereal box!
Okay Here's what you do...........
1.Grab an empty cereal box
2. trace and cut out two stars 
3.then score the stars from there tips to there indented parts
4. Push stars out by scores lines 
5 Push in by indented parts
AND WHA -LA! You have Star ....
Now you can Paint it any color you want! It would look great as a holiday accent or year round!!

TP Roll Wall Art
All you need is some Tp rolls and some Glue check out what kind of cool wall art you could be making!

 Start with Tp / Pt Rolls
Get cool Wall art!!

Check out this card board room!!

  1. Cut the flaps from one end of each box.
  2. Stack the boxes. Some boxes, such as those from FedEx, have flaps that add thickness to the back of the box. To make your stack level, use scraps of cardboard as shims in between the front edges of the boxes.
  3. Seal the boxes together with packing tape.
  4. Cover the boxes with the wrapping paper.
  5. Line the raw edges at the front with the duct tape.



1 comment:

  1. Let me know what you think and if you have questions about these tuts!


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