My Reclaimed Life: Bring down the house!

I wanted to let everyone know about my eventful morning! Doug and I were awoken by an demo crew tearing down a garage 1 house away. Doug was immediately interested and went and talked to the crew. He told them what we did and guy told him we could go in the house and take what we wanted before they tore it down. Doug came back and told me....
now I was just out of bed , no coffee in night clothes still but was super excited so I put my boots on and went. The place was AWESOME and I am incredibly sad they tore it down. There was some beautiful old cabinets that where in there I wanted but we didn't have time to get them.
I found some of the cabinet doors on the floor and picked them up I thought they would make beautiful signs. I was so excited and so awe that they where tearing down this beautiful house...that I didn't even notice I had picked up something that had been covering a hole in the ground where the vent use to be.
Before I new it I was half way in the basement and half way on the first floor. It all happened so fast and I don't even recall falling I just know I was stuck Doug helped me up....
I suffered a nice scrap on my leg that has a know bigger than my fist, IT IS HUGE!
Here is a pic, if you have a weak stomach scroll past this part.....

Any-way I did pick up a few things in short amount of time we had.We did not want to get caught in the house. We got an old door and few drawers and one of the cabinet doors...we put the other one back for safety purposes.
Here are the few things we snagged, I will making something fantastic out of them!!

I also wanted to show you guys the house being tore down, it is kinda cool but it makes me so sad. It makes me even sadder to think how many others will be tore down.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed my eventful morning, it was all in the name of up-cycling!!

Talk with you soon!!


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