I have decided to add something new to my Rubbishlove shop, it is something that I had debated because if its genre. I am adding graphics!
  The reason I was so hesitant was because it was slightly off my eco-fun theme and my shop theme, but the more I thought I figured, why not? This is something that I really enjoy as well and I really feel I can help people with . I know there is a lot of people who know and understand computers and design but I have have encountered many folks trying to break into online sales with little knowledge. We all have to start  somewhere and that would usually be from the square one.
 So with all that said, I have put crafts aside for the moment and slid into place at my computer desk to start designing some new graphics and begin to add a whole new section to my store! I want people to know that I am serious and this something that I am also truly in love with doing and also have the skill to back it up..
I am not the best....by any means but I have had 10 years of formal and informal education with graphic design and I believe that defiantly have something to bring to the table! So please stay tuned and check back there will soon be some rubbish graphics...I have even thought on the concept of up-cycling graphics, not sure what that will look like or if it is possible yet but I am seriously thinking of experimenting with the idea....

Here is my social media icon set 2.00 Via Etsy..I can customize anything...talk to me @ rubbishlove22@gmail.com

More poor sad empty desk ...is lonely with out me....

 Thanks for stopping by ----------I added a grab my button link on my sidebar if you want to share the rubbishlove!


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