
February 11, 2014

My FAVORITE lighting!

Here are some of my favorite lights we have made in the last year!
If you need a light customized we can help, this is something we love to do
You can email us anytime
or check out our store online

Mason jar chandelier, canning jar light,

Mason jar chandelier, canning jar light,

Mason jar chandelier, canning jar light,

Mason jar chandelier, canning jar light,

Mason jar chandelier, canning jar light,

Mason jar chandelier, canning jar light,

Mason jar chandelier, canning jar light,

Mason jar chandelier, canning jar light,

Mason jar chandelier, canning jar light,

Mason jar chandelier, canning jar light,

Mason jar chandelier, canning jar light,

Here are few lighting favorites we have made in the last year!

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