
August 12, 2013

Turning bad news into better days..

So most days I sit inside my studio painting and working away. Sometimes I get a bit of cabin fever from doing the same old same and, staying in doors so much. I can usually feel the bad mood creeping up on me and the bad mood mixed with bad news turns me into a ticking time bomb.
    For example, over the weekend Saturday marked a week long fiasco of constant truck troubles that included the truck catching on fire. After many days of my husband working on this thing and me thinking the troubles where finally gone. I got a call stating that they in fact where not.....
I immediately felt my blood pressure rise and my response was not my usual "It will all work out." No Saturday was the day that every emotion that may have been bottled up from the week before came out and was released on my poor husband. I wasn't mad at him, he just happened to be who was in the path. My husband is literally so incredible though after almost 8 years of marriage he knows me to a T. He sits and listens and usually doesn't say a word, he never gets mad back at me he just lets me release this anger and goes on. I always feel like crap afterwards, but it makes me love him even more.
 So after it was all said and done and the dust had settled, me and him sat and talked the  whole thing out...and by the way the truck was fine...false alarm and I had freaked out for no reason at all. This is usually how it goes, I panic and then everything works out makes me wonder why I panic at all.
Does that ever happen to you? 
  So that was all my bad news and now I want to show you how you can quickly release your anger in other ways and end your day on a more positive note. I personally have a belief that dwelling to long on anything negative only attracts more negative in your life. So finding that happy thought is the key to me. Matter of fact most mornings instead of rolling out of bed and dwelling on the day ahead or simply just getting out and not thinking ( is what I use to do) I now stop and relax and think of how wonderful my day will be and how things will work themselves out. I tell myself this and my days always start pretty good:) I also am a FIRM believer in meditating I recommend doing it not just for a spiritual aspect but for your sanity. Sitting in silence and focusing purely on your breath for 15 mins a day does wonders for you ...try it sometimes either when you wake up or anytime you feel anger or bad emotions coming on.  If you are a statistic kinda person then I will tell you that people who meditate  make more money naturally than people who don't and get things done easier than most.
But the best and most wonderful way to relieve stress now is stop whatever you are doing and go outside, if you can't go right now make sure that at some point today you are planning on going out side. 
My husband and I went to one of local metro parks we live close to here in Dayton, Ohio and we walked the path and we talked and it was so much fun. Getting out of what scenario you are in is the first step to helping the negative get away and mixing that with some of natures awesome vibes and a little exercise is a WINNER for feeling great.  I went home feeling great and with a new positive attitude.  I hope some of these pointers help you guys as well, I know we all get down sometimes and we all faced with negativity all day everyday with the news and people around us it sometimes feels like it never ends. Being able to get out from that is what can really improve your day. 
~ I wish you all the best day and here are some pics for your enjoyment of the metro park we went to!
                                             Riverscape metro park downtown Dayton
This is my handsome hubby!

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