
February 22, 2013

The House up-cycled....Graphic design...New things that are happening:)

Hello everyone I hope you are having a wonderful February we are well on are way to March and Spring time. My Birthday is next month and I cant believe it I will be 27!!! So before all that happens we will hopefully be closing on our massive house. I am so excited and I know I have been talking about this for months it, but once it is ours we are going to be having tutorial city because I will be up cycling everything that goes into that place, and I am so excited to start. I have been collecting items and been saving new favorite tutorials that I will do with you all. So I wanted to show you a few pictures of the place.

Theses are a few pics of the outside ...As you can see it needs a little work but it is pretty much like a blank canvas which is perfect. I will have some pics of the inside soon to:)
 But this will one of my greatest projects.

I also wanted to announce my other little project I am working on , It is the graphic design part of my business. I wasnt sure if I wanted to do it at first, but I have gotten so many orders that I decided to make it part of Rubbishlove but also make it seperate. So I made a different blog site but it is linked to this one...but it is here:

or you can find it up top in the menu bar the link it digital goodie shop...

so it is a working progress right now it only has a few thing right now but I am adding more and I am going to have freebies and fun stuff along with my services I you gotta check it out:)

 I have been updating and working hard on my design and I decide it was time to update again, so as you can see the site has new colors and a new look which I am pretty happy with...What do you all think?
 Well that is a few updates for now I will be posting some tutorials soon....

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