
December 30, 2012

Diy Tutorial for Home,Health and Fun

Hello everyone! 2013 is just a few short days away and I wanted to take some time to share some really cool Diy tutorials to help ring in your new year. I wanted to combine some cool craft tutorials with some of the new years resolutions DIY to and have a new you! These are tutorials for your home,health, and just plain fun. 
Little 2012 History...before tutorials! 
 I know this past year for me has been kindly the craziest year yet. To recap briefly I lived in Alabama for most the year and I started out 2012 as a proud owner of nail salon. But, business was slow and I eventually had to give it up. I was crushed at first but, if I hadn't lost the shop I wouldnt be sitting here writing this with this wonderful feeling of doing what I love. Owning your own business is always great but I spent most my time working and away from my family. Most of my attention was towards my shop and I didn't like that.The day I closed it I felt sad but very relieved.I remember those months before we moved to Ohio( is where I am from)  I was searching for something and I told and promised myself that I would never again work for money,  I would only do something that I loved. My husband and I started by building furniture and home decor from pallet wood. I loved this I was making absolutely zip and I was having more fun than I have had in a long time. I didn't know how or why but I knew this was something I wanted to do. In this time I also started painting on pallet wood, I painted all day and all night and I had signs and pictures everywhere, that was it I was doing something with this. We moved to Ohio saying goodbye to warm weather and close family but, I knew that something was bringing me back to Ohio. We got here and I didnt really no what to do. I decided that I would try an Etsy store it seemed like something I could do. I started my store back in September and I think 2 long weeks went by before anyone ordered. Then one Sunday morning I came home from Church with Etsy convo from a lovely lady and my very first customer. I did her signs and then I didn't get another order for another couple weeks but then all the sudden, I was flooded with work I was making so many signs and I was enjoying every minute of it. I am still a newbie but I so happy to have 31 sales under my belt and more coming. 2012 was ups and downs but lead me right where I wanted to go. I encourage everyone to only do what they love nothing is worth being miserable even if you think it is for money and security. I never want to have to look back and think, man I wish I would had at least tried that. Trust me I have MANY failures but each one was worth it and lead me to just where I wanted to be.


For your home
Lets spice your home up a little....

I love smell goods they lift your spirit or calm your mood whatever it is they are great here you can make your own at home, because they can get pricey!

Would like a seat....A bench for your home

Pallet wood Table Easy to make

Tutorial here

Frame a chalk board

Five Minute Frame Fix



 I love suitcases here is a really cool way to display them 

Lets feel good in 2013...Health and Beauty DIY

First things first..

To be lose weight your body needs to be working properly and what 75% of most Americans don't know is that the are Dehydrated and being dehydrated can make a lot thing go wrong with your body. Consider that most of your body is made up of water, when there is lack of it is not good.
Being dehydrated can cause...
Weight gain
lack of energy
trouble getting up in the morning name a few
There our so many glamorous things for us to drink that it is easy to overlook the free little fluid that is in our sink. Even sports drink that claim that they rehydrate you are not even close to what water can do, sports drink are filled with sugar and other ingredients that just don't do any good.

To keep this simple..
We all know the drink your 8 glasses of water a day, well it needs to be more like a gallon and it really goes off your weight if you are heavier person you will need more water. 
Here is a water calculater to find out how much you should be drinking
  How much water should I drink?

Now this is the reason you will lose weight
Your body is into what is called self preservation, and these are the functions that keep you alive. When your body notices you are not drinking enough water it starts to store water so you have water weight, you can easily loose this water weight by drinking the water amount you need. It takes about 7 days to get your body to loose this weight.
 This is a good start to getting your body back on track you should notice some amazing differences when this little change is applied!

Mediation is amazingly good for you and it take no more than 10-20 minutes a day to start you on your way to a more peaceful stress free lifestyle. 
The many good benefits of mediation are 
1- It lowers oxygen consumption.
2- It decreases respiratory rate.
3- It increases blood flow and slows the heart rate.
4- Increases exercise tolerance.
5- Leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation.
6- Good for people with high blood pressure.
7- Reduces anxiety attacks by lowering the levels of blood lactate.
8- Decreases muscle tension
9- Helps in chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis etc.
10- Reduces Pre-menstrual Syndrome symptoms.
and there are 90 more here...meditate for health

Here are some guides to get started, and remember this is not any sort of religious practice but you some people do pray or become enlighten while mediating. So if you are spiritual this could benefit you in many ways. 

Always remember that a solid mind is the key to a solid body and soul!

Have a cold, here are some diy cough suppressants you can make at home!
Home Remedies for Coughs @ Common Sense Homesteading 

Thicken your eyelashes!

Homemade lip balm

Whiten up those teeth with this cool recipe that you probably can make NOW!

Dr Oz White Teeth Remedy- Baking Soda (around 1/4 cup of baking soda)
- Lemon Juice (from half of a lemon)

Upcycle fun!
 Here are some tutorials that I picked to have some fun with, enjoy them as you enjoy your new year!

These are awesome they are solar lights make them yourself!
 Shutter to table
DIY Shutter Side Table. More DIY ideas @BrightNest Blog 
Rustic rake for stem ware
DIY Rake Stemware Holder~    Take advantage of your vertical wall space by hanging a rake head and suspending stemware from its tines. We found one of these rakes at the Country Living Fair in Columbus, Ohio, for $3, but you'll likely find them at a yard sale    Read more: Upcycled Crafts and Projects - Easy Upcycling Craft Ideas - Country Living  
Pallet to classy ottoman 
Cut glass and make some lamps!
this is a great way to cut glass with items you probably already have. 
Ok you have officially gone through the whole list and it has been a long one! I hope you enjoyed these and I hope you have a wonderful New Year!!
*Remember that you are in control of your life and if you dont like what you are doing then stop right now and find something worth saying Thank You for!
Love you all

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