
October 13, 2012

What is upcycling?

What is Up cycling and some interesting benefits of it.....

Upcycling is the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or for better environmental value.
So here is the great part, with just very few supplies to start you can make some pretty cool stuff! Upcycling isn't only good for the environment but it is good for your wallet as well, and you be totally amazed  the ordinary things we throw away daily, that can be turned into useful objects around your home or office, you can even redesign your old wardrobe into a brand new re-purposed wardrobe.
Lets put into prespective:
According to another EPA estimate, Americans create roughly 251 million tons (228 million metric tons) of garbage per year [source: EPA]. To concertize this number, imagine the RMS Titanic, which weighed 46,329 gross tons (47,072 metric tons) [source: The Queen Mary]. The United States puts out more than 4,837 Titanics worth of solid waste in a normal calendar year.

Ok now that is a lot of waste.....
And all  that waste can be reused for the most part even your food that you throw away can be put and made into compost pile.All the plastics and carbard and paper products we use can be reused into, orginational items, home decor, crafts and even things you can sell!!! Thats right there are people all the internet making money off of upcycled items here are a few examples:

made & Upcycled Braided Cotton AS Bracelet (choose from 5 colors)

Handmade & Upcycled Braided Cotton AS Bracelet (choose from 5 colors)
These are upcycled bracelets made from T-shirts!

Collander Lamps! They look so awesome.....

DIY Dress-Up Ideas: 5 Sexy Ways to Upcycle Old Clothing
recycled urban clothing design

Upcycled designs often emphasize radical do-it-yourself transformations, but some of the most simple ideas can have dramatic impacts. These clothing conversions illustrate the ease with which people can upcycle ordinary objects and make them extraordinary, turning formless junk shirts clothes into elegant tops, bottoms and sexy dresses. recycled tshirt clothing designs
Mari Santos does more than just recycle small-scale clothing extras into new, well-fitting and sufficiently stylish upcycled outfits – she shows how much potential exists in upcycling extremely plain everyday objects, things we would normally trash without a second look.

recycled clothing upcycling idea

Those are just a few examples, the list could really go on forever. 
If you want to start cycling for yourself , start saving all your bottles, milk jugs,plastic bags etc..
Then start googling, you can make anything, the skies the limit with this. So please start cycling and if you want share the things you are doing I would love to hear , post your ideas and project that you have been doing!
Thank and happy Upcycling!!

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